Instant Wins are our most popular competition type. They are unique because when you buy a ticket online, you have a chance of winning instantly. Our website will let you know, and indeed you will notified immediately via email if you have won an instant win prize. With each ticket purchase you get a ticket […]
Meet Max. Whenever Max is used in a competition you know this one is special. Multi-Chance Max brings exactly that…. more chances to win than ever. At Giveaway Competitions we are committed to seeing as many winners as possible. Up until June 2024 we have had over 13,000 different winners of prizes in our competitions. […]
Double Up is an innovative new feature from Giveaway Competitions. On our Instant Win competitions we list the winning ticket numbers, but in a Double Up competition there will be certain numbers, that give whomever gets this ticket number, the chance to DOUBLE UP on that amount on our live draw. On an Instant Win […]
Giveaway Competitions is thrilled to announce the imminent launch of a powerful and proactive tool in our Competition System – the “Responsibility Controls” plugin! At Giveaway Competitions, we are committed to providing an exciting competition experience and ensuring the safety and well-being of our valued customers. With Responsibility Controls, we’re taking a significant step forward […]
Giveaway Competitions has teamed up with online payment company Superpayments to offer you cash back and loyalty bonuses. Unlike some loyalty schemes being offered, Giveaway Competitions chose Superpayments because they offer real cash when you use them to purchase tickets with us, not 5% off Halfords or some other shop you rarely use. REAL CASH! […]
If you have an idea of a competition you would like us to run, please let us know. If your suggestion is unique and we like it, you will get 10 free entries when the competition is live.
Lucky Misses are a feature unique to Giveaway Competitions. We have listened to your feedback and know how frustrating it can be to miss out on the ticket number by 1 or 2 numbers. So…. from now on Giveaway Competitions are giving away a bonus prize to the ticket numbers before and after the winning […]